When you open the DMARCwise dashboard, the first thing you see is the Domains tab, where you can see the list of domains added to your account and manage them.

Here are some quick tips on how to manage domains:

  • To add a new domain, use the Add domain button in the top right corner.
  • To remove a domain, click on it, choose Settings in the top navigation bar, and then click Delete domain.
  • If you have many domains, use the Filter domains text box to search domains.
  • To change the layout from grid to the more compact list, use the buttons at the right of the search box.

Domains groups

By default, domains added in DMARCwise are ungrouped.

Domains groups allow to organize domains by project or client.

To create a new group:

  • Click Create group and enter a name for the group. You will be able to rename the group later.
  • Confirm with the Create group button.

To select which domains belong to a group:

  • Click the dropdown menu button at the right of the group name and choose Edit domains. Alternatively, click on the “N domains” button beside the group name.
  • In the dialog that opens, check the boxes corresponding to the domains that you want to include in this group. Note that a domain can only belong to one group at a time, so if a domain is already part of another group it will be moved.
  • Click Save to confirm.

To rename a group, click Rename group in the group dropdown menu.

To delete a group, click Delete group in the group dropdown menu. One thing to know is that when deleting a group, domains contained in it will be removed from the group and shown in the “Other domains” section, so they will not be deleted.